Awesome is the word for this meticulously presented property. Six years of renovation now complete, all three Sons have now flown the home base, our Seller Dad and Mum are ready to hang up their work boots and get themselves beachside to their retirement dream. So together you and I are going to explore this wonderful property, give you time to review and consider making this property yours.

Great Kitchen, our lady seller is a qualified chef, so there is gas cooking, electric oven, excellent work space, extra high bench top, you have a study and office area, a dining room, and everyday sitting room. This open plan space opens out to the full length front verandah, goodness what an outlook, so pleasing, would be ideal in our crisp, frosty winters to catch the sun here.

We have four bedrooms, each built in, three bedrooms have new air conditioning reverse cycle, split system units. Bedrooms each have an excellent space, each off the wide hallway, each with garden views, it is a lovely place to call home. There are two Bathrooms, both well appointed.

Outdoor living is catered for excellently here, there is a great rear deck, this deck has quality UV resistant blinds.

Solar Power Panels feeding back into the Ergon Grid, new Colorbond Roof, a well landscaped yard, bird aviary, poultry run, securely fenced for pets or children, we have rainwater, multiple tanks on pressure pumps.

Shed, well goodness me, there is a four bay shed, in front of this a four bay carport, plus side carport which can also accommodate four vehicles. In linking the residence, carports, shed and fire pit area, you have an excellent concrete apron. Here also is evidence of the excellent allotment drainage.

This is an impressive property, one that needs be viewed over a good hour or so to truly appreciate all that is on offer here. Couple this with being so close to town, The Scots PGC College and well set back from the road. We look forward to sharing it all with you our Buyers very, very soon.