This highset home is located one street from the Golf Course and only seconds from Queens Beach. Downstairs includes two bedrooms and a living area as well as a double lockup garage. Upstairs is the main bedroom with another small attached room that can be used as a walk-in wardrobe. Kitchen, bathroom, dining and another living area is also upstairs with a small verandah looking out over the front yard. There is an internal timber staircase connecting upstairs and downstairs.

The main bedrooms has polished timber floors and the rest of the house is carpeted. There are ceiling fans throughout and all three bedrooms are airconditioned. The bathroom has a lovely, large timber vanity and the house is neat and tidy.

Both front and back yards are large and level and the property is 809m2 in total. The back yard is fenced and also includes some gardens.

Sustainability Declarations can be found by contacting our office.