Moollock Road is a quiet street which runs off Rosalyn Road, formerly known as Ditjini Road.

If you are looking for a quiet place to chill out’ then this property may suit you, and if you feel like doing a bit as well, it will be perfect.

The land area is 12.57ha with some land cleared and fruit trees planted. This property is at the end of Moollock Road with a narrow private entrance and a winding road to the shed. At the rear of the block is a beautiful rainforest area, not generally found in this area.

There is an old demountable which may be past its used by date, but again, someone handy may be able to recover it. There is also a very large shed with a concrete floor which could, with a little effort be completed to make suitable accommodation.

With such a good location, peace and quiet, and some basic accommodation this block is well suited to the person who wants to stamp their personality on a future home.