The store is located in a prime area of ??Norton Plaza, where all major supermarkets, restaurants, and retail are all available. The largest and only flower shop in Leichhardt area, so the daily passenger flow is huge, and the source of visitors continues to grow steadily.

Because the owner other business has been successfully transformed and there is no time to take care of the flower shop. This is a good opportunity for the experience buyer to take over this establish shop.

This kind of business can easily make a profit! In addition, the owner has store operation training, and can leave experienced employees to help with the early operation.

- Rent: $9,187/month
- Outgoing: $1399/month
- Electricity bill is $239.5 per month
- Lease remaining: until October 31, 2024
- Turnover: $980,000/year
- Net profit: $250,000/year
- Existing employees: 2 full time, 1 part time
- Daily business hours: 8 a.m-6:30 p.m
- Stock in store: $8000-$12000