This is a perfect opportunity to ‘REAP THE REWARDS’ with this property. A smart renovation or for those who want to simply rebuild – the block size will allow it!

* There is plenty of room on the 950sq mtr block
* Comfortable home with open plan living
* Great outdoor entertaining area
* Rumpus / play room
* Conveniently located to transport, school and shops

You will be able to live in the well presented home whilst you decide whether to ‘Renovate – Extend or Rebuild’. The sellers are motivated- so act now on this fabulous find.

Features List:

* Cast iron wood-burning stove + heat-exchange water heating system
* 2 kilowatt grid-feed photovoltaic system
* 2000 litre rainwater tank + pump
* Envirocycle septic system
* Large living area and playroom with wall-length storage
* Beautiful shaded backyard with storage shed, chicken coup and raised vegie patch
* Outside dining/patio area with wood fire/gas cooking plate
* Unique ‘Lunar Module’ Cubby house
* Large workshop