Lot 2 DP 1092392 Bolaro St, Cooma
Area – 1.593 Hects (15,930 sq metres)
Location – At the corner of Bolaro St and Monaro Highway. Being a corner location presents many advantages for development.
Zoning – B4 mixed use. There are many varied uses that may be carried out on this site. Some, but not all are: light industry, commercial, child care, hotel/motel, education, registered clubs, seniors housing. (Ask for full details)
Highway Exposure -The Monaro highway runs from near Goulburn to Melbourne through Canberra. In both directions it is very busy. The traffic through Cooma (1.800,000 vehicles) also includes the vehicles that go to the NSW Snowy Mountains.
The site fronts the highway. It is very visible to passing traffic.
Minimum Subdivision Area – 500 sq metres.
Services Available – Town water, town sewer, electricity power lines in the street, natural gas is in Cooma.
Comment – This vacant site has outstanding prospects for development. The zoning is right! The location is right!
Developed land is needed for the Snowy 2.0 Project.
Price – $1.25 Million
Agent – Don Menchin 0413 028 795