This 920sqm block is situated in the middle of two (2) of Tahmoors premium shopping centres and 100 metres to the train station.

There is an application before Council for the already approved Tahmoor Town Centre to raise the height limit to 30 metres for the block bounded by Thirlmere Way, York Street, Larkin Street and George Street. Should this be approved, the value of properties in the immediate vicinity could sky rocket, so get in now!

The rear lane access will provide for greater development flexibility and with a B2 Local Centre zoning has the potential for shop top housing (Subject to Council).

The home is derelict but the position is great. With a vendor who wants to sell, now is your chance to get in on the ground floor.

* 920sqm block
* Application to raise height limit to 30m
adjacent to Tahmoor Town Centre
* Rear lane access allowing for enhanced development options
* Potential for Shop top housing (Subject to Council)
* Great position with a vendor who wants to sell

Contact John Ferguson – 0414 843 005 for more information.

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