Our seller has made instructions clear, we are on the market to sell and bring all offers to the table. Opportunities fit for the growing family don’t come up that often and when they do the competition is fierce. We provide you with an amazing opportunity to secure a gem here.

If investing is more your style than let us brag on our tenant who is an A1 tenant living in the home for approx 6 months and on a secured lease here until July 22′provide you with certainty and confidence of the home being well cared for into the future. Currently renting for $320 per week we believe the current market value would be approx $390 per week.

This clad home contains four bedrooms, separate lounge and dining rooms, not to mention the updates and upgrades that the ensuite and main bathroom have taken not to long ago. To suggest that this family home is well presented and has plenty of potential, is definitely an understatement. Outside the feature continue with lock up garage, covered outdoor entertaining area and a fully fenced yard. It is all here waiting for you to put your name on it.

It is one of those properties that from the street, only tells part of the story, you need to inspect and discover this gem for yourself. Call Benny Holder today on 0491 616 380 to book your inspection.

Disclaimer: We have obtained all information in this document from sources we believe to be reliable; however, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Prospective purchasers are advised to carry out their own investigations.