Now is the time to purchase in the upcoming area of Nickol West.

This block is approx. 660sqm, with the frontage length of approx. 20m. and 33metres deep.
Approximately 10 min walk to Tambrey primary school and playgrounds including Nickol west skate park.

We have building plans to suit the block, and can put you in touch with a builder in the area.
4×2 Builds approx $445,000 to turnkey specifications, not including the land, depending on preferred plan
Land and site costs are additional.

You will be surrounded by other quality homes and only a short drive to the the new Tambrey village, cafes, restaurants, shops and the Karratha Leisure plex.

Make an offer!!

Call Karratha’s Award winning agent Anna Guillesser on 0428 620 894 today and get in before its to late

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